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Blog Operations

Blog Operations

Content Type:E-books
Content Type:E-books
Price: $45.75

Blogs have become an extremely popular marketing and promotion method!

The fact that blogs have become an extremely popular marketing and promotion method is no surprise. Not when you consider the advantages they offer over the standard website. 

For one thing, if you use an independent online blogging service like ( http: // ) you don’t need any web design or programming skills. You simply sign up for a free account, choose the template you want, and then begin posting content.

And since these types of services are maintained on the owner’s server, there’s no need to acquire independent web hosting or domain names. Whether you operate one blog or several hundred, there’s no cost whatsoever.

Another important advantage is being able to get your blog (and subsequently, future blog postings) indexed by search engines in a much shorter period of time. Just like any other website, you can also incorporate independent advertising in your blog template.

Customized Google Adsense ads, for example, can be quickly and easily added to a Blogger website. You can also sell additional advertising space. These ads can either be placed throughout the overall content or established within designated areas of the template. 

Of course, the real money-making potential is the fact that you have a platform for including whatever information or promotions you choose. And the fact that blogs are already accepted as a personal announcement vehicle, they can be the perfect place to offer product testimonials and endorsements.

Asked Questions

All of our products are available to download on the e-shop as soon as you have registered as a customer and paid for the course.

All of the courses are priced differently and this is clearly labelled in the shop next to each item.

To find the courses you are interested in, go to Our Products and you will be taken to our courses.

Anything you want – you can work on course material or take on a new development project.

We offer courses and content in eBook, Audiobook, Video and software and template formats.

If you want to speak to a consultant then book a session using the information form and someone will come back with an appointment suggestion.

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